WY LLC with Registered Agent
WY LLC with Registered Agent
A limited liability company (LLC) blends partnership and corporate structures. You can form an LLC to run a business or to hold assets. The owners of an LLC are members. LLCs protects its members against personal liabilities.
An LLC will be either:
- A disregarded entity (for federal purposes), if it has only one member
- Single member limited liability company (SMLLC)
- A partnership, if it has more than one owner
- Limited liability partnership
- Limited liability limited partnership
- Series limited liability company
- An LLC being taxed as a corporation
An LLC must have the same classification for both Wyoming and federal tax purposes.
Includes 1 Year Regd Agent Service.
Can a foreign (Delaware) LLC do business in Wyoming?
To do business in Wyoming, all LLCs organized outside of the state must register with the Wyoming Secretary of State. Foreign LLCs must appoint a registered agent for service of process. The agent may be a Wyoming resident, or a business entity authorized to do business in Wyoming and file an Application for Certificate of Authority with the Secretary of State. The completed application must be accompanied by a written consent to appointment signed by the registered agent (this form is included with the Application), and a certificate of existence or good standing from the foreign LLC's home state dated no more than 60 days prior to the filing in Wyoming.