Delaware LLC with Registered Agent
Delaware LLC with Registered Agent
A limited liability company (LLC) blends partnership and corporate structures. You can form an LLC to run a business or to hold assets. The owners of an LLC are members. LLCs protects its members against personal liabilities.
An LLC will be either:
- A disregarded entity (for federal purposes), if it has only one member
- Single member limited liability company (SMLLC)
- A partnership, if it has more than one owner
- Limited liability partnership
- Limited liability limited partnership
- Series limited liability company
- An LLC being taxed as a corporation
An LLC must have the same classification for both Delaware and federal tax purposes.
Includes 1 Year Regd Agent Service.
No Business License Required
According to Section 2301(b) and (d) of our state’s code, Delaware LLCs not doing business in Delaware are not required to obtain a business license, register with the Department of Revenue, or pay Delaware’s gross receipts tax.
A person doesn’t need to live in Delaware to start an LLC in Delaware. The only physical requirement for Delaware LLCs is that the limited liability company must have a registered agent in Delaware.